We ship our packages with DHL Courier Service, and there are some extra services you can choose from (e.g. Direct Signature, Insurance).
Yes, Direct Signature is highly recommended. It is a cheap service, and it is extremely useful in the protection of the package and greatly reduces the risk of the package being lost.
We post the packages from our warehouse within 5 workdays of placing the order. After that, it depends on the delivery country and customs procedures. It usually takes about 2-3 workdays.
You can choose to insure your package as an extra service, especially for unique or more expensive products. All our packages are sent as FOB (Free on Board), which is a term in international commercial law meaning that as soon as the shipment of goods leaves our warehouse, we record the sale as complete. You own the products en route as a buyer and you assume responsibility for completing the customs clearance and for managing the final delivery. That also means that if the package is lost or damaged in transit, you must file any claims for reimbursement.
We ship to the following countries: United States of America, Canada, countries of the European Union, United Kingdom, Australia, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia. If you would like to order from another country, please contact us and we can look into the possibilities. To see the full list of countries click HERE.
We only operate as a webstore and have no physical store where our products can be purchased.
We package every product with the utmost care, taking every step to ensure safe delivery. Because of this, we guarantee all items, and if a product arrives damaged or broken we either replace or refund the item. For detailed rules of guarantees and refunds, please read our Terms and Conditions, and our Return Policy.
We use different kinds of materials for packaging:
Cardboard box
Plastic protective materials (bubble wrap, protective foam wrap, void fillers)
Paper protective materials (boxes, wrapping, void-fillers)
We guarantee all items, and if a product arrives damaged or broken we either replace or refund the item. If a wrong item is delivered, we also replace or refund the wrong item. For detailed rules of guarantees and refunds, please read our Terms and Conditions, and our Return Policy.
Shipping costs depends on the size of the package, the shipping country, and any extra services you choose. Please note, that customs fees might also be applicable and do not belong to our competence. Check our detailed Shipping Fee Chart.
Yes, we send out the tracking number and tracking link for every package in an email after it leaves our warehouse, so you can check the status and follow the route of your package.
Other than the product price, shipping fee and fee for any extra services you choose, customs fees might be applicable upon the package arriving in your country. Customs fees do not belong to our competence, you will have to pay them to your local customs office. For current regulations and information regarding customs ask your local DHL office. Please note, that these regulations might change from time to time, so make sure you are always up to date in your information.
Depending on your country, customs fees might be applicable upon the package entering the country. These fees do not belong to our competence, you will have to pay them to your local customs office. For current regulations and information regarding customs ask your local DHL office before placing your order. Please note that these regulations might change from time to time, so make sure you are always up to date with your information.
No, we only use net prices, we don’t include VAT.
You have to pay for your order (product prices, shipping fees and chosen extra services) when you place the order. COD payment method is not available. Your order will only be sent out and delivered if we have received the payment in full. Customs fees might be applicable upon the package entering your country. These fees do not belong to our competence, you will have to pay them to your local customs office.
Payments can be made with the following methods:
PayPal (VISA, MasterCard, JCB, AMERICAN EXPRESS, Discover Card)
Credit card payment (VISA, MasterCard, JCB, AMERICAN EXPRESS, Diners)
Apple Pay
Google Pay
Amazon Pay
If you notice there is a mistake in the information you have provided, let us know as soon as possible via email at We can modify your order information, but only if we are notified before the order is processed (within 12 hours of placing the order). We are unable to make any changes after processing your order.
We have seasonal promotional discounts. Details of current promotions can be found on our main page and Instagram account. Please note, that promotions are for a limited time and there are time periods when no promotion is available.
No. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide any samples of our products.
We do not accept returns for any subjective or personal reasons.
We can only accept your return and request for a refund or replacement in the following instances:
the item shipped is not the item ordered
the item shipped is defective
the item shipped is damaged.
To be eligible for a refund or replacement, your item must be in the same condition that you received it, unused, and in its original packaging.
We have a 14-day refund policy, which means you have 14 days after receiving your item to request a refund or replacement. We are not able to refund, replace or exchange perishable goods.
Cancelling an order is only possible within 12 hours after the order was placed. So please carefully consider your purchase before ordering. Email us at for order cancellation.
Changing an order (replacing or canceling a purchased item in an order) is only possible within 12 hours after the order was placed. So please carefully consider your purchase before ordering. Email us at if you want to change your order.
For details on our data collection check out our Privacy Policy.
You can find our Terms and Conditions HERE.
Wholesale Orders
No, we do not have a catalogue of our products. Please contact us at if you have a wholesale demand.
For details on minimum order quantity and value please contact us at
No. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide any samples of our products.
For details on our wholesale prices please contact us at and let us know, what products you are interested in.
You have to have a legally registered, active business operation in your country, with an active website. To become a wholesale partner, please contact us at and provide your company information (name, company ID, VAT number, address, etc), website URL and possibly any legal documents proving the legitimacy of the business details provided.
If we have the ordered items in the requested amount in stock the package can be dispatched within 5 business days. If the ordered item is not in stock, lead time depends on the capacity of the manufacturer of the item and can be discussed individually, case by case.
Wash your utensils by hand, using natural soap and no hard chemicals. Do not use dishwasher, microwave, scrubbing agent, bleach, or whitener.
Never use any of our utensils in a dishwasher or microwave.
Unless otherwise indicated in the product description, our utensils are purely for serving and dining purposes and can not handle direct heat.
All of our products are handmade, which is also indicated in the product description of each item.
Our products can be made of various materials (clay, wood, bamboo, etc), all of which are indicated in the product description of each item. Every item is safe and meets the strict Japanese quality control.
Yes, all the products we sell are safe. Health regulations in Japan are very strict, and all products are tested.
In general sticky, short grain rice is suitable for making suchi. For more info on the rice varieties and their use, please check our blog post.
Yes, all the rice we sell is safe. Health regulations in Japan are very strict and all products are from trusted agricultural sources under the JAS control.
To decide which rice cultivar is best for your needs, check our blog post.
No, we do not offer rice with organic certification. All our partners strive to make rice with the least pesticides and fertilizers possible, are all safe for consumption and all are under JAP control, but we are unable to provide organic certificates for them.
Rice does not have best-before date. On our products we show the harvest time and the date of milling. We always provide rice from the latest harvest.
Japonica rice 100g
Water 60.0g
Carbohydrate 37.1g
Protein 2.5g
Fat 0.3g
Sodium 1mg
Potassium 29mg
Calcium 3mg
Magnesium 7mg
Phosphorus 34mg
Iron 0.1mg
Zinc 0.6mg
Copper 0.10mg
Manganese 0.35mg
Vitamin B1 0.02mg
Selenium 1μg
Molybdenum 30μg
Vitamin B2 0.01 mg
Niacin 0.2mg
Folic acid 3μg
Pantothenic acid 0.25mg
Biotin 0.5μg
All the rice we offer are produced in Shiga Prefecture, Japan.
We always provide rice from the latest harvest.
For tips on how to cook your rice, check our blog post.
Our partners strive to use the minimum amount of pesticides needed for a healthy crop. We don’t keep and can not provide any laboratory test results. Health regulations in Japan are very strict and all products are from trusted agricultural sources under the JAS control.
No, rice does not go bad, but if it is not stored properly, it can be susceptible to infestations by insects or pests, which can render it inedible, or it can go stale. Store your rice in an airtight container in a cool, dry place, away from moisture and direct sunlight.